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High School volunteering has reached the highest levels in
the past 50 years. Those who volunteer as youth, and who
have seen their parents volunteer, become the most generous
adults for charitable and philanthropic causes.

Why Is It Important for Youth to Volunteer? Independent Sector,a
leading organization doing research on charity and philanthropy in the United States,have determined that youth who volunteer are twice as likely to volunteer as
adults. In the United States, 6 out of 10 volunteers, started volunteering by age 14.

Why is involvement in volunteerism so beneficial for teenagers?
70% of teens that volunteer report that volunteering give
them a new perspective on community issues. As a result of their volunteer efforts, teens also reported doing better in school,improved grades,developing new career goals, and learning about new career options.

Other significant benefits included learning how to respect others,learning how to be helpful and kind,understanding people who are different from themselves,
developing leadership skills,becoming more patient, and understanding the qualities of good citizenship.

From their volunteer experiences teens learn how to solve community problems. They gain an enhanced understanding of good citizenship, and became more aware of community problems. Teen further learned more about how government and voluntary organizations work.

What is the important conclusion on teen volunteerism?

- Adults who began volunteering as youth, are twice as
likely to volunteer, as compared to those who did not
volunteer when they were younger.

- 44% of adults volunteer.

- 2/3 of these volunteers began volunteering when they were

Encourage a young person to get involved in the community

Note: Statistics obtained from Independent Sector, a
leading organization doing research on charity and
philanthropy in the United States.

Source: Free Articles

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